Art Classes and Figure Drawing

Structural Portrait Drawing


Structural Portrait Drawing


mondays 6:30-9:00 PM

March 10 - April 21 2025


LEVEL: all levels welcome

price: $265 (includes model fee)

class summary

This course will provide students with the tools they need to create powerful and convincing portraits from life through a combination of structural knowledge and observed information. Students will be introduced to a variety of materials and techniques, learning how to hatch and describe form with graphite for the initial planar studies before progressing to soft materials like sanguine and sepia chalk for portraits from the live model. All levels are welcome!


We’ll discuss materials and cover any questions you may have during the first class!

  • Drawing Paper Pad, 18 x 24” (Strathmore 400 medium surface)

  • Drawing Board

  • One 3B Graphite Drawing Pencils

  • Two Sanguine Conte pencils

  • Two Koh-I-Noor Giaconda Sepia pencils

  • Kneaded Eraser

  • Plastic Eraser

  • X-Acto Knife (for sharpening pencils and cutting erasers)

  • Sandpaper (220 grit) or Sandpaper Sharpening Block


Week 1- Cast drawing with conte

Week 2- Anatomy of the skull/facial muscles- lecture and graphite drawing

Week 3-  Portrait from life- instructor demonstration and two hour pose

Week 4- Portrait from life- quick graphite sketches (silhouette, value, construction) and one hour pose

Week 5- Portrait from life- instructor demonstration and two hour pose

Week 6- Day one of long pose from life

Week 7- Day two of long pose from life


Please contact us at least 1 week before class for a full refund. Unfortunately due to our limited class sizes we cannot process refunds after this time. Transfers to other classes are usually possible

It is possible that a class is cancelled if an inadequate number of students register. In this case, tuition will be promptly refunded


Anyone who must miss classes may attend up to two make-up sessions in other classes as long as space permits

This class is now full! Feel Free to Check out our other classes or fill out the contact form to be added to the waitlist

This class is now full! Feel Free to Check out our other classes or fill out the contact form to be added to the waitlist

Questions? Shoot us a message!

Instructor work: